Lindsay Bring: The Hardest Part - Making The Decision To Go.

Taking advantage of incredible opportunities while we are young is important.  I think going on any sort of study abroad program is a great idea.  We get to immerse ourselves with other fascinating cultures, and see the world.  By travelling, we get to open our eyes and see things in a new way.  There’s something unexplainable about this that only experiencing it first hand can someone truly understand. You learn so much about yourself, others, and the world.  I can speak from experience that you come home appreciating your life more and become a more courageous and confident individual, who is ready to take on the next adventure that comes your way.

The people you meet on experiences like this are people just like you.  You realize that there are people all over the world with similar values to you.  In my case, the friendships I created were the highlight of my study abroad experience.  I am so fortunate enough to have made these friends who I know will be apart of my life for good.

I think the hardest thing about going on exchange is making the decision to do so.  A lot of the time people are afraid of everything that could go wrong.  Of course there will be challenges that will arise, but what is the fun in that if everything went perfectly smooth?  Overcoming obstacles gives us character, makes us stronger, and is a learning experience.  And usually, a story or two comes out of it.  However, the benefits of studying abroad most definitely out way any challenge that could possibly ever arrive.  

Life is about taking chances and taking advantage of studying abroad, no matter where it is you decide to go is a wonderful thing.  You learn to look at things with a new perspective.  You meet incredible people from all over the world, and most importantly you have new phenomenal experiences and memories that you take away with you and remember forever.  

Lindsay is a second year Tourism Co-op student who just completed a semester studying and working abroad in Disneyland, Orlando as part of the University of California, Riverside's Disney International Program.


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