Lindsay Bring: Past, Present & Future in Florida

As of right now I have two and a half months left here in Florida.  There are days that pass that seem to take forever, while there are days that fly by.  As I look back on these past three and a half months it feels like a blur.  How could I have been fortunate enough to experience so much in such a short amount of time?  I have gained incredible friendships, seen some of my favorite country musicians in concert, became a more independent person, got to immerse myself in a completely different culture, got the opportunity to be work for a huge global company, Disneyworld, and the list just continues. 

During my first few months of working, I spent them at Casey’s Corner in Magic Kingdom.  I was fortunate enough that this is, in my opinion, the best park to work at.  Magic Kingdom is filled with the most Disney magic, and Casey’s Corner is directly across from Cinderella’s castle. Working at Casey’s Corner was crazy.  It had many good factors (the great group of friends that I met, and the baseball costume we got to wear), but also many negative factors (always busy and at times stressful).  I became very close to the coordinators and managers and formed a friendship with them almost immediately.  I think I gained their respect right away because from the start I felt as if I showed confidence and asked many questions.  Leaving Casey’s Corner was bittersweet.  I was thrilled about moving into my next role, but saddened at the fact that I wouldn’t be seeing my friends there as often as I did.

From Casey’s I moved to The Contemporary Resort.  When I first discovered I would be working in a Disney resort, I was thrilled.  I was ecstatic to get out of a busy hectic park and into a more calm and relaxed place.  So far I’ve had two shifts at my new location.  I am a hostess in a full-service restaurant called The Wave.  It is a lot more relaxed then Magic Kingdom and I am not exhausted after my shifts.  I look forward to my next few months here where I will form more relationships with people and continue to learn more things.
September was a really special month for me.  I had a few weeks off from work because my boyfriend and his sister came down to visit me.  The time I spent with them was refreshing.  Just before that I began to start feeling extremely homesick.  Having them here with me was a reminder to enjoy myself and continue to experience everything.  During there time here we travelled to Miami.  It was so much fun. We stayed at Disney’s Saratoga Springs Resort in a 1 bedroom deluxe villa (I used my 60% off cast-member discount with this by the way).  It was a beautiful resort and I took them to all the parks within a few days (also with my discount).

Before I left for Florida, I was worried about the holidays. I felt that being away from my family during these times would be extremely difficult.  So far last week was Thanksgiving and this is always my favorite meal of the year back home.  I am thankful that my closest friends here are also Canadian and so we can all relate to each other.  One night, a few days before Thanksgiving we all went out for steak and pretended that it was out Thanksgiving dinner. We each went around and said what we were thankful for.  And just last night I went over to my other Canadian friends house and had my pumpkin pie and vanilla ice cream.  It really helps to have people that I can relate too and share this type of stuff with.    

I have a feeling these next two and half months are going to fly by.  October is almost over and I know November will be a breeze.  My parents, aunt and uncle are all coming down to visit me.  I cannot wait to see them and take them to all the parks and show them my life here.  Furthermore, I am in classes now and so I am keeping busy with that.  And on top of all that I will be turning 21 here! Finally! And December will be here in no time and I have my Disney grad to look forward too, as well as a cruise to the Bahamas booked! 


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