Tyler Belich: Do It!

I arrived at YVR August 6 and I know this is almost two months late. However, I have not been the same since arriving home. I feel like I am walking in a fog, living in a dream, a shell of a man. Food does not taste as good, air does not smell as sweet, and culture does not feel as rich. Am I happy to be home? Yes. Do I wish I was still traveling through Europe living culture, learning history, and experiencing new and unforgettable memories? Definitely. Since I have been home everybody that I see has said the same thing, OMG you are home. Followed by the same question, how was trip? The first thing I say is life changing. What else can I say? Then I start down the list of things I did while I was away. School Tuesday to Thursday then it was time to travel. During the semester my new friends and I traveled to Germany, Belgium, Northern Ireland, Italy twice, Monte Carlo, and throughout Switzerland. Everything from pub-crawls to ice hockey games to snow...