Karolina Szulc: Time Flies, Money Disappears and New Challenges Arise

Wow. I can’t believe I only have two months left, here, in Orlando. These past four months have flown by with the blink of an eye. Working for one of the most successful companies, Disney, has had its ups and downs. I am fortunate enough, to be able to experience operations at the main park at World Disney World: Magic Kingdom. I have just rotated my roles within the park from merchandise to operations. This was a brilliant chance for me, as I am the type of a person who likes change and new challenges. In my old role, I was expected to be very nice with guests and believe that they are always right. I have mastered that perception in the course of the three months and the work started becoming somewhat monotonous. As I got thrown into my new role as parade audience control, I have to be sharp with the guests and not let them push me around. In this role, I tell the guests what they can and cannot do even if they don’t like it. I still try to be the most courageous about it as...