Diana Pham: Chocolate Tofu Pudding?

The school cafeteria serves chocolate pudding. The first time I ate it I exclaimed, “What?! This is chocolate TOFU pudding! I didn’t know that tofu is so popular in France!” Everyone laughed and no one believed me. I made everyone try it and yes, some thought it did kind of taste like tofu, but the majority of them just thought I was crazy. After a long ten-minute debate, I concluded that ok…maybe it isn’t chocolate TOFU pudding, but it must DEFINITELY be made with soy milk. Everyone was happy with that conclusion. In the end, one of my German friends said, “Wow, I can’t believe we just spent 10 minutes talking about pudding. We’ve never done that in Germany before.” I guess I just like to have a good debate.

You can also follow Diana's adventure in France at http://knolt.com/dianaineurope2011/


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