Sam Brum: Vienna Waits For You

Attending an info session for study abroad was the first step that I took in embarking on this journey I am on. Choosing to apply for this study abroad experience in Vienna was the second. Now that I am here in Vienna, I see why something deep inside that told me I needed to go. This was the opportunity for an experience I had only dreamt of. Growing up, my perception of Europe was defined by photographs and stories other people told. But now these photographs and stories are mine to tell. Salzburg, Austria where the Sound of Music was filmed For those looking into studying abroad, I’ll pass along some insight. Firstly, I would stress the fact that you need to be open to the experiences and all that may come of it, both good and bad. I went through a period of time where I was very anxious about the whole idea, even after I decided that this was something I wanted to do. I debated whether or not I was the right “type” of person for this opportunity. The truth is anyone and e...